Monday, March 28, 2011

Armando.c 11

The new nintendo ds came out i am so excited to go see it.

There is a lot of information Like,You can chouse to have it in 3d and

take 3d pitures.The price is 249.99 wow that is realy cheap

to by a 3d game.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Armando.c 10

I would go on a radio staition and go talk about the game i did and try to convince people to go bye that game and tell them it is good for you learning about how to save the would.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Armando.c 9 3-22-11

What i would do is Give them money and try to get other people to help me so we could donate all the money we earnd and give to japan.The reson i would help them is because it doesnt mader if you like them or not we all got to help eatch other because we are all humans.