Monday, May 23, 2011

armando.c widing down

What is your team name?
The Polar Helpers

What is the name of your game?
Polar Helpers

What is it about?
Your a polar bear and trying to get to the other side without geting hit with the pollution
What scenes have you completed?
We have finnished the inrto about and the loading page now all i need is the game secne

What parts of your team page are completed?
The intro secne the about secne and the loading scene

How much more work do you need to complete?
just one more page

What can you do from now until Friday to get everything completed?
Not talk and get my work done
What grade would you give yourself in Globaloria overall?

What are all of the things you have learned this year?
There is a lot of things but the one i need help with is the coding

What are you proud of in Globaloria?
That now i now how to make a game

How can you improve next year?
By trying to get eveyting done

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Armando.c 14

I think war games are so popular becasue people like the action your in when you play also it makes it look like your fighting with them in the war and people just like how you play other people online so yuo can show how good you are.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Armando.c 11

The new nintendo ds came out i am so excited to go see it.

There is a lot of information Like,You can chouse to have it in 3d and

take 3d pitures.The price is 249.99 wow that is realy cheap

to by a 3d game.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Armando.c 10

I would go on a radio staition and go talk about the game i did and try to convince people to go bye that game and tell them it is good for you learning about how to save the would.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Armando.c 9 3-22-11

What i would do is Give them money and try to get other people to help me so we could donate all the money we earnd and give to japan.The reson i would help them is because it doesnt mader if you like them or not we all got to help eatch other because we are all humans.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Armando C 7

Mad Hot Ballroom

How do you see these students trying to work together?
With all of the Kids trying To show up and them trying there best.

How important was teamwork for these students?
Team work meant a lot to these Kids because if they lost they couldn't go to the championship.

What do you think is the main message that these students should take away from this experience?
The main message is that Kids shouldn't get into anything but school and they should try Ball room dancing.

How will you work together with your teammates in Globaloria?
I will do what I'm supposed to do and help other people in my team if they need help.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Armando.C 6 11


Many Balls
This game is for you to try to count all of the balls in the sqear and if you get
the the answer wrong it says how many you misted and how many are total in
the whole thing.

math man
This game is for you to figure out the problem and got to the answer is you move with the arrow keys there are different things that come out and you fly to it and go to the answer.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Armando.c 5 2011

Social Issues in Games
The first game is j lo fur bully
This game is about you saving the animals before she makes them into clouse so you save them And the issue is saving animals.The reason she made this gmae is so we could learn about why is it important because to save the animals.How we could save the animals is not kill them and
do not put any harm on the animals.

Super chick sisters
The second game is about two chicks that are just like mario but the game is saying that us people are killing chickens and it si just crul.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Armando.c 4 2011

The Wizard
At the beginning of the movie, Jimmy is walking down the highway. Where is he going?
To California

What is the problem that the little boy, Jimmy, has?
His sister died

Jimmy likes to stack and build things. How does this relate to video games?
Becaus efrom the patterns from the game

Playing video games seems to help Jimmy feel better. Why do you think this is?
Because it takes his mind off of his sister

What makes him such an awesome video game player?
Because he has a lot of practice

What kinds of games do you see being played? Have you ever played any games like this before?
Double dragon,F-1 Dream and street fighter

How many different game systems do you see in the film?
The Nintendo

What did you think about the Power Glove?
That is just awesome

Monday, January 24, 2011

Armando c 3 2011

Crayon Physics
I Think this game looks easy i to me but i really think it is going to be hard because you got to strays and do a Lot of thinking to it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Armando C 1 2011

Google Science Fair

I think google hosting that fair is a great thing because google is a big site and a lot of people look at google so it is a possibility to get it on there.

Yes i can see myself entering this contest and it is me winning it.

I will love to show every one my idea so they can learn what i know and for them to learn what i now about the animals.

I think i would do something about engineering.