Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today i think it is a good day to go out side because it is snowing really hard and i want to go play out side we are in school and the school is closing so when I'm at home i am going to throwing snow balls at my mom and dad.When i got home my mom got snow and throwing it at me and my dad was too then i started throwing snow at them and then my mom started throwing snow at my dad and it was really funny because she keep missing my dad and keeping hitting the van after that we went in side and drinking hot chocolate and siting bye the fire place.The End

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I got the organizer because i am so organize i know where everthing is in my tech papers.Yes i did have some dissagreements with my teammates at first i they wanted me to be the leter and i did not to be the leter i wanted to be the organizer and we worked out that plan.I am forward to be doing our game and i want to make a game so the hole world can see that

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I didnt like doing because it was to hard to do and how you.I think it was really hard to do it because they were bossing me around and telling me to do work and there not even do work.